Hey everyone,
The overwhelming response to folks wanting to be a part of pulling together continues! I am going to build a list and introduce everyone to everyone else so that we can all meet each other. It isn't fair that I'm having all the fun :).
Keep spreading the word and keep sending folks this way.
Woo woo!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wow! Thanks to everyone who is sending folks and information this way. I have received a lot of emails and phone calls on the survey and our project to collect and catalog biking projects and accomplishments across the state!
Very exciting.
I wanted to let you know I have updated the enforcement section with responses from Captain Keith Roberts of the Parkersburg Police and member of the Mid-Ohio Bicycle Council. He was one of our cycling police escorts during our critical mass ride this month in Parkersburg. You can see info on the ride at http://www.iplayoutside.com/oPam/MidOhioValley
I really appreciate all the information I am receiving! Please post what you can on the blog. I will add what I can but I am swamped (yea!) Good good news! If you see an empty question and have time to pick up the phone or send out an email to find the answer from someone, please go for it!
I also received a copy of the survey from Jeff Peel, Program Specialist, Bicycle Friendly Community, League of Amercian Bicyclists. He sent it with an offer to be of assistance if we wanted. I replied, "Heck yea!" Well, not in those words.
For now, please keep sending folks this way and encourage them to shout out and brag about what they are doing to promote cycling in West Virginia. If you can't find a topic to brag under, create a new one. Shout it out! :)
Very exciting.
I wanted to let you know I have updated the enforcement section with responses from Captain Keith Roberts of the Parkersburg Police and member of the Mid-Ohio Bicycle Council. He was one of our cycling police escorts during our critical mass ride this month in Parkersburg. You can see info on the ride at http://www.iplayoutside.com/oPam/MidOhioValley
I really appreciate all the information I am receiving! Please post what you can on the blog. I will add what I can but I am swamped (yea!) Good good news! If you see an empty question and have time to pick up the phone or send out an email to find the answer from someone, please go for it!
I also received a copy of the survey from Jeff Peel, Program Specialist, Bicycle Friendly Community, League of Amercian Bicyclists. He sent it with an offer to be of assistance if we wanted. I replied, "Heck yea!" Well, not in those words.
For now, please keep sending folks this way and encourage them to shout out and brag about what they are doing to promote cycling in West Virginia. If you can't find a topic to brag under, create a new one. Shout it out! :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
LAB survey in pdf form
Frank Gmeindl from Morgantown supplied this link to the League questionnaire. Thanks Frank!
I found the questionnaire in pdf format on the LAB web site at http://www.bikeleague.org/programs/bicyclefriendlyamerica/bicyclefriendlystate/pdfs/questionnaire.pdf
I found the questionnaire in pdf format on the LAB web site at http://www.bikeleague.org/programs/bicyclefriendlyamerica/bicyclefriendlystate/pdfs/questionnaire.pdf
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Clarification on end product we are working to produce.
Someone asked for more clarification on the purpose of the document we are creating. I thought I would share my response in case anyone else had similar thoughts. Thanks for the question!
"...We are preparing this document so that the State has an accurate representation of biking in WV as it currently exists. I hope to provide as much detail as I can in the draft for all of us to work with. I am thinking we can create this document on an annual basis so that the State can better represent cycling when the survey arrives.
I believe this will also help us pull together across the state and leverage each others strengths, so while the detail will be too much for the survey it is extremely helpful to me in Parkersburg.
My thoughts are to use the League's survey to
a. Create an accurate and detailed picture of biking in WV
b. Identify contacts across the state and build a network of those contacts and resources.
My hope is that this can help us form a state wide group that works together towards the goals we share. Time will tell.
SO for now the more detail the better. This is a information gathering phase and I am looking for anything anyone is doing to promote cycling. I hope that makes sense.
"...We are preparing this document so that the State has an accurate representation of biking in WV as it currently exists. I hope to provide as much detail as I can in the draft for all of us to work with. I am thinking we can create this document on an annual basis so that the State can better represent cycling when the survey arrives.
I believe this will also help us pull together across the state and leverage each others strengths, so while the detail will be too much for the survey it is extremely helpful to me in Parkersburg.
My thoughts are to use the League's survey to
a. Create an accurate and detailed picture of biking in WV
b. Identify contacts across the state and build a network of those contacts and resources.
My hope is that this can help us form a state wide group that works together towards the goals we share. Time will tell.
SO for now the more detail the better. This is a information gathering phase and I am looking for anything anyone is doing to promote cycling. I hope that makes sense.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Enforcement - Are cycling related traffic infractions counted as points against the cyclist’s driver’s license?
57. Are cycling related traffic infractions counted as points against the cyclist’s driver’s license?
Enforcement - Is information about bicyclists’ rights and responsibilities made available to traffic court judges?
56. Is information about bicyclists’ rights and responsibilities made available to traffic court judges?
Enforcement - Is bicycling enforcement a part of continuing officer training, particularly for traffic officers?
55. Is bicycling enforcement a part of continuing officer training, particularly for traffic officers?
Enforcement - Is bicycling enforcement a police academy requirement?
54. Is bicycling enforcement a police academy requirement?
Enforcement - Does the state have bicycling enforcement as a part of the overall POST standard/training?
53. Does the state have bicycling enforcement as a part of the overall POST standard/training?
Evaluation and Planning - Is there currently a regularly scheduled statewide bicycle conference?
52. Is there currently a regularly scheduled statewide bicycle conference?
Evaluation and Planning - How many motor vehicle/ bicycle fatalities have been recorded in each of the last five years?
51. How many motor vehicle/ bicycle fatalities have been recorded in each of the last five years?
What is the fatality rate per one million population?
What is the fatality rate per one million population?
Evaluation and Planning - How many motor vehicle/ bicycle crashes have been recorded in each of the last five years?
50. How many motor vehicle/ bicycle crashes have been recorded in each of the last five years?
What is the crash rate per one million population?
What is the crash rate per one million population?
Evaluation and Planning - Is there a state bicycle advisory council that meets regularly?
49. Is there a state bicycle advisory council that meets regularly?
How often does it meet (annually, quarterly, monthly,)?
How often does it meet (annually, quarterly, monthly,)?
Evaluation and Planning - Is bicycle safety addressed in the state Highway Safety Plan?
48. Is bicycle safety addressed in the state Highway Safety Plan?
Evaluation and Planning - Does the statewide bicycle plan include performance measures and/or a project list to help measure progress toward implem...
47. Does the statewide bicycle plan include performance measures and/or a project list to help measure progress toward implementation of the plan?
Evaluation and Planning - Does the state have a current statewide bike plan?
46. Does the state have a current statewide bike plan?
When was it passed?
When was it passed?
Evaluation and Planning - Does the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) include information about bicycle ownership or use rates?
45. Does the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) include information about bicycle ownership or use rates?
Evaluation and Planning - How many people ride bikes in your state according to the Census’ Journey to Work data or other data?
44. How many people ride bikes in your state according to the Census’ Journey to Work data or other data?
Education and Encouragement - Does your state actively promote bicycle tourism?
43. Does your state actively promote bicycle tourism?
Education and Encouragement - What percentage of communities with 50,000 plus people have a local advocacy group?
42. What percentage of communities with 50,000 plus people have a local advocacy group?
Education and Encouragement - Is there a statewide advocacy group?
41. Is there a statewide advocacy group?
Education and Encouragement - Is there a statewide bicycle map that is available to the public?
40. Is there a statewide bicycle map that is available to the public?
If so, does the map include suitability ratings, or information on conditions that impact bicycling like traffic volume and shoulder widths?
If so, does the map include suitability ratings, or information on conditions that impact bicycling like traffic volume and shoulder widths?
Education and Encouragement - Does your state publish a bicycle driver’s manual?
39. Does your state publish a bicycle driver’s manual?
Education and Encouragement - In the state driver’s CDL testing and manual are questions and information regarding motorists’ rights and responsibi...
38. In the state driver’s CDL testing and manual are questions and information regarding motorists’ rights and responsibilities towards bicyclists included?
Education and Encouragement - Are there questions regarding the rights and responsibilities of bicyclists in the state driver’s license test?
37. Are there questions regarding the rights and responsibilities of bicyclists in the state driver’s license test?
Are there questions regarding the motorists’ rights and responsibilities towards bicyclists on the test?
Are there questions regarding the motorists’ rights and responsibilities towards bicyclists on the test?
Education and Encouragement - In the state driver’s manual is there information on the rights and responsibilities of bicyclists?
36. In the state driver’s manual is there information on the rights and responsibilities of bicyclists?
Is there language regarding motorists’ rights and responsibilities towards bicyclists?
Is there language regarding motorists’ rights and responsibilities towards bicyclists?
Education and Encouragement - What ranking did the state receive in the latest Safe Routes to School National Partnership assessment?
35. What ranking did the state receive in the latest Safe Routes to School National Partnership assessment?
Education and Encouragement - Does the state have any policies or programs involving bicycling and increasing physical activity?
34. Does the state have any policies or programs involving bicycling and increasing physical activity?
Education and Encouragement - Does the state sponsor a “share the road” or similar public safety campaign?
33. Does the state sponsor a “share the road” or similar public safety campaign?
Education and Encouragement - Does the state sponsor any bicycle education programs, either directly or by providing funding to local jurisdictions...
32. Does the state sponsor any bicycle education programs, either directly or by providing funding to local jurisdictions or other entities?
Education and Encouragement - Have any League Cycling Instructors taught any bicycle education classes in your state in the past three years?
31. Have any League Cycling Instructors taught any bicycle education classes in your state in the past three years?
Policies and Programs - Is there a policy that requires state office buildings, state park and recreation facilities, and other state facilities to...
18. Is there a policy that requires state office buildings, state park and recreation
facilities, and other state facilities to provide a certain amount of bicycle parking?
facilities, and other state facilities to provide a certain amount of bicycle parking?
Infrastructure - Does the state have any US numbered bike routes?
30. Does the state have any US numbered bike routes?
If yes, is there a program or policy to actively manage and maintain the routes?
If yes, is there a program or policy to actively manage and maintain the routes?
Infrastructure - Has the state identified a network or system of state bicycle routes?
29. Has the state identified a network or system of state bicycle routes?
a. Is there a publicly available map of the system network?
b. Are the routes signed and/or marked on the ground?
a. Is there a publicly available map of the system network?
b. Are the routes signed and/or marked on the ground?
Infrastructure - Has any safety funding been spent on bicycle projects in the past three years?
28. Has any safety funding been spent on bicycle projects in the past three years?
If yes, how much?
If yes, how much?
Infrastructure - Does the state have any dedicated funding sources, in addition to federal programsfor bicycle, or bicycle and pedestrian projects?
27. Does the state have any dedicated funding sources, in addition to federal programs for bicycle, or bicycle and pedestrian projects?
If yes, how much funding is available?
If yes, how much funding is available?
Infrastructure - What percentage of the following federal funding programs is typically spent on bicycling projects?
26. What percentage of the following federal funding programs is typically spent on bicycling projects?
a. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)
b. Surface Transportation, not including Transportation Enhancements
c. Transportation Enhancements
e. SP&R
a. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)
b. Surface Transportation, not including Transportation Enhancements
c. Transportation Enhancements
e. SP&R
Infrastructure - What is the states current obligation rate for the following bicycle and trail related programs?
25. What is the states current obligation rate for the following bicycle and trail related programs?
a. Transportation enhancements
b. Recreational trails
c. Safe Routes to School
a. Transportation enhancements
b. Recreational trails
c. Safe Routes to School
Infrastructure - What is estimated total number of miles of shared use paths in your state that meet the recommended design guidelines in the AASHTO..
24. What is estimated total number of miles of shared use paths in your state that meet the recommended design guidelines in the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities?
Infrastructure - Does your state use a bicycle level of service or similar model to assess bicycling conditions of on roads?
23. Does your state use a bicycle level of service or similar model to assess bicycling conditions of on roads?
Infrastructure - Does your state have a rumble strip policy that includes a minimum clear space for bicycles?
22. Does your state have a rumble strip policy that includes a minimum clear space for bicycles?
If yes, what is the minimum width?
If yes, what is the minimum width?
Infrastructure - Does your state have a system in place to acquire data to determine what percentage of the state highway network has paved shoulders?
21. Does your state have a system in place to acquire data to determine what
percentage of the state highway network has paved shoulders?
Does the system also have information on shoulder width?
percentage of the state highway network has paved shoulders?
Does the system also have information on shoulder width?
Policies and Programs - Does your state coordinate with neighboring states, provinces or countries regarding bicycle issues?
20. Does your state coordinate with neighboring states, provinces or countries regarding bicycle issues?
Policies and Programs - Has your state provided any funding for the purchase and/or installation of bike parking racks at state buildings in the pa...
19.Has your state provided any funding for the purchase and/or installation of bike parking racks at state buildings in the past 3 years?
Policies and Programs - Does your state have a plan for reducing carbon emissions?
17. Does your state have a plan for reducing carbon emissions?
If so, is a specific role for bicycling a part of that plan?
If so, is a specific role for bicycling a part of that plan?
Policies and Programs - Does any state agency have a statewide plan for mountain biking?
16. Does any state agency have a statewide plan for mountain biking?
Policies and Programs - Does the state have a Complete Streets or Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation policy?
15.Does the state have a Complete Streets or Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation policy?
If yes, which type of policy is it and when was it adopted?
If yes, which type of policy is it and when was it adopted?
Policies and Programs - How many state government employees, expressed in FTEs, work on bicycle issues in your state?
14.How many state government employees, expressed in FTEs, work on bicycle issues in your state?
Legislation - What is the legal status of cyclists using paved shoulders on state highways?
13. What is the legal status of cyclists using paved shoulders on state highways?
a. Required to use the shoulder
b. Permitted to use the shoulder
c. Shoulder is not considered a travel lane for bicyclists
a. Required to use the shoulder
b. Permitted to use the shoulder
c. Shoulder is not considered a travel lane for bicyclists
Legislation - Does your state have a law that bans the use of cell phones, or that requires the use of a hands free device?
12. Does your state have a law that bans the use of cell phones, or that requires the use of a hands free device?
Legislation - Is photo enforcement of moving violations permitted in your state?
11. Is photo enforcement of moving violations permitted in your state?
Does the state have enabling legislation for local jurisdictions to use photo enforcement of moving violations?
Does the state have enabling legislation for local jurisdictions to use photo enforcement of moving violations?
Legislation - Is the maximum blood alcohol level permitted .08% or more stringent?
10. Is the maximum blood alcohol level permitted .08% or more stringent?
Legislation - Does the state have a mandatory helmet law?
9. Does the state have a mandatory helmet law?
If yes, to what ages is it applied?
If no, can localities pass local mandatory helmet laws?
If yes, to what ages is it applied?
If no, can localities pass local mandatory helmet laws?
Legislation - Is there a law that requires a bicyclist to ride as far to the right as is practicable?
8. Is there a law that requires a bicyclist to ride as far to the right as is practicable?
If yes, does the law allow the flowing exceptions listed in the Uniform Vehicle Code;
1. When overtaking and passing another bicycle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction.
2. When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
3. When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians,animals, surface hazards, or substandard width lanes that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge. For purposes of this section, a "substandard width lane" is a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and a vehicle totravel safely side by side within the lane.
4. When riding in the right turn only lane?
If yes, does the law allow the flowing exceptions listed in the Uniform Vehicle Code;
1. When overtaking and passing another bicycle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction.
2. When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
3. When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians,animals, surface hazards, or substandard width lanes that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge. For purposes of this section, a "substandard width lane" is a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and a vehicle totravel safely side by side within the lane.
4. When riding in the right turn only lane?
Legislation - When a bike lane is present, can a bicyclist legally chose to ride in the adjacent travel lane, or is there a mandatory bike lane use...
7. When a bike lane is present, can a bicyclist legally chose to ride in the adjacent travel lane, or is there a mandatory bike lane use law that does not allow exceptions for cyclists to leave the lane?
Legislation - Can a bicyclist legally choose to ride on the road when there is shared use path or trail adjacent to the road, or is there a mandato...
6. Can a bicyclist legally choose to ride on the road when there is shared use path or trail adjacent to the road, or is there a mandatory sidepath law?
Legislation - Are the bicycle equipment related provisions of the state vehicle code consistent with the recommendations of Sections 12-701 through...
5. Are the bicycle equipment related provisions of the state vehicle code consistent with the recommendations of Sections 12-701 through 709 of the Uniform Vehicle Code?
Legislation - Does your state code allow bicyclists to ride two abreast as recommended by the Uniform Vehicle Code?
4. Does your state code allow bicyclists to ride two abreast as recommended by the Uniform Vehicle Code?
Legislation - Can a bicyclist legally signal a right turn with his/her right hand?
3. Can a bicyclist legally signal a right turn with his/her right hand?
Legislation - Is there legislation that requires a safe passing distance of at least three feet?
2. Is there legislation that requires a safe passing distance of at least three feet?
Legislation - Is a bicycle considered a vehicle
1. Is a bicycle considered a vehicle in your state? Does a bicyclist have the same rights and responsibilities as an operator of a motor vehicle?
Organization of topics
The last survey sent by the League of American Bicyclists contained the following topic areas. We will be using this survey format for gathering information.
Policies and Programs
Education and Encouragement
Evaluation and Planning
Policies and Programs
Education and Encouragement
Evaluation and Planning
Welcome to our gathering spot
Thanks for being here. If you are here to provide information on the many topics we are collecting information on, please get started! We ask that you accurately describe yourself so that we may contact you to validate your information.
We are simply gathering information right now. Once that information is collected we will begin an editing and verification process that we hope you will also be willing to help us with.
My name is Kim Broughton and I am hosting this area so we have somewhere to gather information. If you would like to help with this please let me know.
Thank you!
We are simply gathering information right now. Once that information is collected we will begin an editing and verification process that we hope you will also be willing to help us with.
My name is Kim Broughton and I am hosting this area so we have somewhere to gather information. If you would like to help with this please let me know.
Thank you!
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